Our veterinarian Dr. med. vet. Sibylle Ott

Dr. med. vet. Sibylle OttOur dogs are no longer wild animals (which has its advantages and disadvantages), they often live in an asphalted, civilised environment, many get too little exercise, often have too little opportunity to follow their minds and their very own needs, and instead of hunting they are often given unspecies-appropriate and unhealthy ready-made food from a can or a sack for human convenience. Despite all this, they often live longer than their wild relatives. Because orthopaedic problems, dental and metabolic diseases would be the death sentence for wolves.

Fortunately, we can support our dogs into old age. Make sure your dog stays slim, has enough exercise and mental stimulation and feels comfortable in his “human pack” and don’t wait too long if something is wrong. In the area of prophylaxis and therapy support, DOG FIT by PreThis® offers selected preparations, which I of course also use myself.

The dog is by far the oldest domestic animal. Dogs have been around for at least 15,000 years, making them almost twice as old as cattle, sheep, goats and pigs, and much older than domestic horses and cats. But – and this is unique in natural history – before that, Stone Age people and wolves lived in close companionship for about 100,000 years. Wolves joined us voluntarily, they domesticated themselves, so to speak. And they also had an influence on our development! By way of comparison, cattle farming is no more than 8,000 years old, yet many peoples have developed an intolerance for lactose (lactose intolerance).

The influence that wolves and dogs have had on us in our common evolutionary history can hardly be measured! How absurd when many people today believe that it is normal for humans to live in modern Betonfluchten and that dogs no longer have a place at our side.

My enthusiasm for dog breeds is probably a grandfatherly heritage. In my eyes, all the wonderful dog breeds are one of the greatest and oldest cultural achievements of man. Assyrian Molossians, sighthounds from Pharaonic times, naked dogs of the Aztecs or medieval Saupackers – dog breeding is as old as civilised, cultured man. I find it a great pity that many dog lovers today are turning away from the pedigree dog, because unlike works of art, this living cultural heritage cannot be preserved. It is only preserved as long as people carry it on. Accordingly, I have already had very special pedigree dogs with a Shiba Inu, an Akita Inu and a Chesapeake Bay Retriever. I also had a German Shepherd of the old breed: long-legged and upright. And now I breed Miniature Pinschers.

Originally we were just looking for a nice, pfleasy doggy that our son could work with at the dog park. My sister’s Schnauzers (“Schwarze Zwergschnauzer vom Kirbachtal”) were too hairy for me, but she turned us on to the Zwergpinscher: an old breed that you hardly see any more. The spirited, clever dogs seemed just right for our son. Though too boring for me, of course. Yes, I really thought so, how clueless! Today I breed with conviction: what a great, unjustly forgotten breed! Lively without nervousness, calm in spite of his temperament, self-confident, pithy without any sharpness and ready to perform like the best shepherd dog. In addition, physically and mentally healthy, with a harmonious, natural build.
Like a wolf – only very small!

Take the natural path with us and give your dog the agility and joy he has earned.

🐶 Healthy dog – happy heart