Patellar Luxation
What is a patellar luxation in the dog and how is it caused?
By a patellar luxation in the dog we mean a jumping out of the kneecap from its natural position. In some cases the kneecap can spring back to its normal position, but in quite a few cases it remains in the unnatural position. But there are also cases where a kneecap pops out and back several times.
In all cases, non-treatment can lead to joint wear. The triggers for patellar dislocation are very different and range from overbreeding of certain dog breeds to unnoticed cartilage wear, resulting from an insufficient amount of synovial fluid (joint lubricant) in the dog’s knee joints. Patellar luxation can be associated with pain and decreased mobility of the knee joint. It is not uncommon for the malposition of the kneecap to cause inflammation in the dog’s knee joints. Osteoarthritis can develop.
How is a Patella Luxation handled?
As soon as the knee of a dog from their normal position jumps, this must be from a competent veterinary in most cases re-set. If the knee will not be back in their natural position, this is usually a surgical correction of the knee position is required. Fortunately jumps to the knee quite often by itself again. In any case it is of great importance for a Patella Luxation care must be taken to ensure that the joint cartilage of the animal is not damaged.
What can be done preventively against the Patella Luxation?
In the event of a patellar luxation, usually from a cartilage decline and a reduced amount of synovial fluid in the knee joints of the dogs, preventive possibilities through which the jump out of the knee and this resulting damage to the knee can be avoided optimally in advance. It is in principle, for the receipt of the articular cartilage of the dogs and also for an adequate production of synovial fluid to ensure that what the dog the important joint nutrients MSM, Glucosamin and Chondroitin, as in DOG FIT by PreThis® JOINTS which should be administered. The production of the synovial fluid can also use the additional food DOG FIT by PreThis® JOINTS greenshell with extract of green-lip shell encourage very well.

Patellar luxation due to overgrowth?
Even if the ocer breeding is a danger for a Patella Luxation verts always recommend the dog owners to administer their animals highly concentrated joint nutrients, so that the tip of a possible Patella Luxation as long as possible and can counteract the knee in their natural position. It should be by a genetically determined, already existing Patella Luxation may damage and back formation of articular cartilage in the knee can come to the important joint nutrients the affected cartilage rebuilding and other joint disorders, like a painful arthrosis, ideal for prevention.
Joint nutrients for pain relief
Since a Patella Luxation mostly are connected with strong pain, dog owners for the symptom relief. For this purpose, especially the chondroitin and the sulfurous MSM (Methylsulfonylmethan) is very helpful, since these two joint nutrients can develop a pain reducing effect in the joints of the dogs. You can also by this natural joint nutrients also joint inflammation by a Patella Luxation very well and can prevent the dog body in already existing sites of inflammation to help the natural healing process to activate.