Hund-Mensch-FreundschaftA pet lives in almost every second household these days, according to the Industrial Association for Pet Supplies. The number of pets is growing faster than the number of households. A life without a dog, for example, who greets you longingly barking when you come home, is hard for many people to imagine. Or with a cat lovingly grazing your legs.

It is very interesting to see how many pets there are in Germany:

  • Cats 14.8 million
  • Dogs 9.4 million
  • Birds 4.8 million
  • Aquariums 1.9 million
  • Small animals 5.4 million
  • Reptiles 1 million

People who live alone appreciate the closeness of an animal friend

The experts explain that they are very important as social partners. Whether as a family member or playmate, it has been proven that more and more people seem to feel comfortable around an animal, can relax well and love their pet. The presence of a dog brings happiness even more than that of a cat. This was shown by a recently published study by the University of Chicago. In the survey conducted by the scientists, every dog owner described themselves as very happy.

There are many reasons to bring an animal into your home

This is announced by the German Animal Welfare Association in a brochure. It is explained that animals bring joy, they give warmth and affection and often lead to new contacts with other people. Growing up with a front door is a very positive development for children in particular. Because most children are attracted to animals. Friendship with your own animal increases your willingness to respect and protect your fellow creatures.

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