Dog Breeds Dog training is an extremely broad field and very quickly numerous mistakes creep in when training dogs that are difficult to correct. It is important to say that these training errors are of course to be found in the dog owner and not in the animal, and punishing a dog for misbehavior is undoubtedly the worst solution in the context of dog training. Below are some simple tips for dog training.

Consistency and patience are important!

No dog training is of any use if the dog owner is not consistent without exception. Even if the dog simply does not want to obey a certain command, the dog owner should always remain patient and persistent, i.e. consistent. The dog should be gently but firmly placed in the desired position so that he internalizes the connection between the respective command (such as “sit”) and the behavior desired by the owner. The dog should also not be inundated with a flood of commands. The next command may only be addressed when the dog shows the desired reaction to a command!

Dogs don’t learn like people do

An example: The dog shows typical signs of fear and the owner tries to calm the animal with excessive affection and strokes and pampers the dog. For many laypeople this may be the right approach (“the animal needs to be comforted and reassured!”), but the opposite is the case! The dog can perceive the attention as a reward, which confirms to him that the fear is correct and appropriate in relation to the respective situation. He will always react with the same emotion in similar situations. It is better to simply show the dog that the fear is not appropriate. A calm, relaxed and confident demeanor on the part of the owner is guaranteed to achieve more in such a situation.

The dog knows no good or bad

Humanizing dogs is one of the most common mistakes in dog training. Basically, dogs don’t know good or bad and react based on their wealth of experience and instinct. In this context, the phrase “bad dog” seems almost ridiculous and counterproductive. The dog should be shown clear boundaries, that much is clear, but the owner must emphasize the urge to humanize his animal from his training concept without restriction.

Body language is important

Another essential aspect of dog training is the body language of both the owner and the dog. Ideally, certain commands should always be associated with the same body language and it is also advisable for every dog owner to read about body language to treat dogs. This is the only way to effectively avoid misunderstandings between dog and owner.

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