Now in winter, the paws of our four-legged friends are often quite stressed by ice and snow. The dog walks on icy, hard ground, which can be very uncomfortable for dogs that are not hardened with paws. Walking on road salt and sand can also cause injuries and inflammation to the ball skin. You can find out what you can do to protect your dog’s paws in the following article.
You just need to take a few grit pebbles between your fingers and you will quickly notice how sharp-edged and pointed these little stones are. It’s easy to imagine how they burrow into the skin of the ball of the foot and cause injuries. This hurts the dogs with every step. Sensitivity certainly varies from dog to dog; well-trained dogs with lots of exercise certainly have harder and less sensitive pads than living-room lap dogs.
Pointy grit stones
The pebbles in the grit are sometimes so small that they are overlooked and are only found when examined with a magnifying glass. The dog usually walks lame because it tries not to walk on the affected paw. In many cases, minor surgery is unavoidable.
Worse and more aggressive is road salt
The grains here are even smaller than with scattered pebbles and are also colorless. They usually have to be surgically removed from the deeper layers of the bunion skin. Then unfortunately a bandage is necessary for a while – very uncomfortable in damp, cold weather.
By taking specific care of your dog’s paws in winter, you can strengthen the elasticity of your dog’s pads. Cracking due to drying out can also be prevented. It is also important to protect the paws from small foreign bodies.
Important after a walk in winter
After walking in the snow or on gritted sidewalks, you should rinse your four-legged friend’s paws with lukewarm water so that all grit residue is gently removed from the spaces between the paws. After drying, be sure to apply a paw balm to the paws. We don’t think much of “dog shoes”. It’s better to walk with your dog more throughout the year to strengthen the pads.

Every day we experience the wonders of nature with our dogs. This inspiration is the basis for our lives and our products. In our magazine we share with you our passion for these wonderful animals. Visit our socials and become part of the DOG FIT community.
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