Vestibular syndrome in dogs can be frightening for dog owners as it can occur suddenly and without warning. This condition affects the vestibular organ in the inner ear and can cause a variety of symptoms. In this article, we will take a closer look at the causes, symptoms and treatment approaches of vestibular syndrome in dogs.
Causes of vestibular syndrome in dogs
Vestibular syndrome can have various causes, including:
- Idiopathic vestibular syndrome: This is the most common form of the syndrome and occurs without a known cause. It often affects older dogs and can occur suddenly.
- Otitis interna: Inflammation of the inner ear, such as middle ear inflammation, can affect the organ of balance.
- Tumours: Tumours in the inner ear or in the area of the brain that controls the organ of balance can cause the syndrome.
- Injuries: Head injuries, falls or other traumatic events can trigger vestibular syndrome.
Symptoms of vestibular syndrome
The symptoms of vestibular syndrome can vary in dogs, but are often severe and can include
- Dizziness: Dogs with this syndrome often have difficulty keeping their balance and may stumble or stagger.
- Nystagmus: This is an uncontrollable, rhythmic twitching of the eyes.
- Nausea: Some dogs may vomit.
- Head tilt: The dog’s head may be tilted to one side.
- Loss of appetite: Dogs with vestibular syndrome often have difficulty eating.
Treatment approaches for a disorder of the vestibular apparatus
The treatment of vestibular syndrome in dogs depends on the underlying cause. For idiopathic vestibular syndrome, the vet may prescribe symptom relief, such as anti-nausea medication. We prefer natural remedies such as: Charcoal tablets or healing clay. However, in severe cases, intravenous hydration may be necessary to prevent dehydration.
If an underlying cause, such as a middle ear infection, is identified, targeted treatment may be required.
The role of vitamin B in recovery
An important support in the recovery of dogs with vestibular syndrome can be an adequate supply of B vitamins. Vitamin B12 and B6 in particular play a role in the function of the nervous system and can help to alleviate symptoms.
Conclusion on the disease
Vestibular syndrome can be a challenge for dog owners, but with timely support and the right care, a good recovery can be achieved. Treatment depends on the underlying cause, but a balanced diet and B vitamins can make a positive contribution to recovery.
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Note: This article is for general information and does not replace a visit to the vet. A vet should always be consulted if vestibular syndrome is suspected. Further information can be found in an article from PubMed Central®.

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