Paralysis in dogs can occur in the hind legs or forelegs and often indicates a neurological disease of the nerve tracts, spine, muscles or joints. Causes can be external influences such as accidents, but diseases such as spondylosis (pathological changes in the vertebral bodies), herniated discs or hip joint dysplasia (improper development of the hip joint) can also cause paralysis in dogs. In most cases, the nervous system has suffered damage.
Paralysis in dogs can creep in slowly and unnoticed in the early stages. However, it is important to go to the vet immediately if paralysis occurs in your dog. However, dog owners can also take preventive measures to strengthen their dog’s nervous system and joints, both during therapy and preventatively, before symptoms of paralysis even occur. In the following article you will find more information about what you can do for your dog yourself.
Paralysis in dogs due to an accident
In the event of an accident, the dog can quickly experience nerve compression due to swelling or injury to the nerves or spinal cord. This means that optimal nerve function can no longer be guaranteed, which leads to paralysis. The dog is then no longer able to move its extremities normally. In such cases, surgery may be necessary to treat the dog.
If paralysis has arisen due to swelling and an associated slight crushing of the nerves, the administration of food supplements such as the one offered by DOG FIT Vitamin B preparation help to support the regeneration of the nerves and provide the dog with relief .
Another possible cause of paralysis is a herniated disc, in which fluid leaking from the ruptured disc presses on nerves in the spinal canal. This pinches the spinal cord nerves and can lead to paralysis.
Degenerative diseases associated with paralysis
If an accident or a herniated disc could be ruled out as the cause of the paralysis, the symptoms could also be caused by degenerative diseases in the dog, such as hip joint dysplasia. Such diseases often occur in dog breeds that are more susceptible due to overbreeding. For example, short-legged breeds with long backs are particularly often affected by spinal diseases such as spondylosis, which can cause severe paralysis in advanced stages. Dog owners should watch their dog closely and take changes in their gait or movement seriously.
Incontinence in dogs, which is often associated with spondylosis, can also be a warning sign of impaired nerve function. Therefore, it is important to carefully observe the dog’s behavior and handle it sensitively.

Every day we experience the wonders of nature with our dogs. This inspiration is the basis for our lives and our products. In our magazine we share with you our passion for these wonderful animals. Visit our socials and become part of the DOG FIT community.
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