29 Jul 2013
DOG FIT by PreThis

As joint diseases in dogs are statistically increasing, many veterinarians are currently specializing in canine orthopedics. In fact, many dog owners now prefer to consult such a specialist who has extensive knowledge of joint diseases in dogs and also has the medical equipment required for a competent diagnosis and also for orthopedic treatment of a sick dog. Unfortunately, these dog orthopedists usually have their professional expertise paid for and the dog owner has to dig deep into their wallet!


hunde welpen

Vaccinating a young dog in a timely manner can save the animal from serious illnesses. Puppies are advised by veterinarians to be vaccinated against various pathogens in a timely manner and a repeat vaccination when the animals are older is also recommended. Most vaccinations should also be refreshed regularly, as the effectiveness of the vaccination decreases over time. But when should which vaccinations be carried out and repeated on dogs?


03 Jul 2013
Hund im wald

Rabies is a disease caused by viruses that is fatal for dogs, other animals and humans. Fortunately, cases of rabies in Germany and neighboring countries are now relatively low, but dog owners should always take precautions against rabies infection and have their dog vaccinated regularly. But how is rabies actually transmitted and how does this disease manifest itself in dogs?



PugMinor health problems in dogs can often be treated very well by the dog owner themselves and without consulting a veterinarian. Of course, this requires that the dog lover also has the necessary medication and medical equipment on hand. For this reason, it is advisable to put together a small medicine cabinet for your dog, which can be used to treat small aches and pains in your four-legged friend. But in principle, if you have long-term or serious health problems, you should always consult a veterinarian! Below is a small list of the important medications and medical instruments for the dog’s first aid kit.


17 May 2013
Fitter Hund im herbst

Particularly in large dog breeds, under certain circumstances a so-called gastric torsion can occur, in which the animal’s stomach twists to such an extent that both the stomach entrance and the stomach exit are closed. This creates serious and life-threatening dangers for the dog and therefore the dog owner should consult a veterinarian immediately in such a case.



Arthritis is an inflammation of the dog’s joints that can be traced back to two basic causes. On the one hand, an infection caused by certain pathogens often triggers arthritis in animals, but the painful joint inflammation can also result from a malfunction of the immune system. In both cases, the affected dog usually suffers severe pain in the affected joints, which of course severely limits the animal’s agility.


Golden Retriever

Golden RetrieverThe number of dogs suffering from Lyme disease is increasing drastically from year to year and experts are therefore increasingly recommending immune-strengthening measures for dogs in areas at risk. A strong immune system can prevent the outbreak of Lyme disease in many cases because the healthy immune system effectively fights off the Borrelia bacteria transmitted by the tick. But what can the dog owner do to strengthen their animal’s immune system?


13 Jan 2013
Hund im Auto im Sommer bei Hitze

Dog Breeds Dog training is an extremely broad field and very quickly numerous mistakes creep in when training dogs that are difficult to correct. It is important to say that these training errors are of course to be found in the dog owner and not in the animal, and punishing a dog for misbehavior is undoubtedly the worst solution in the context of dog training. Below are some simple tips for dog training.
