Weißer Schäferhund

SchäferhundQuite a few dog owners have serious issues with their animals overwhelmed because the dogs simply do not listen to the owner’s commands and this can lead to serious problems and stressful situations for animals and humans. Basically, it has to be said on this topic that no dog disobeys the commands of its owner out of spite and therefore punishing the dog is certainly the wrong approach!


22 Oct 2012

dog joint painMany Dog owners suddenly and usually without warning notice visible abnormalities in their animals’ gait or posture, which in most cases are clear signs of joint wear and tear, which can lead to osteoarthritis. But it can also be due to spondylosis, a patellar luxation or hip dysplasia. What they all have in common is that if left untreated, osteoarthritis usually follows. The affected dogs find it difficult to get up tomorrow, often no longer want to go for a walk and strictly refuse to enjoy the sporting activities at the dog park. Climbing stairs and jumping into the car are noticeably more difficult, or are even refused. In such cases, you should act and treat quickly.


HundA dog owner who often notices clear signs of an infectious disease in their dog should of course act immediately and strengthen the dog’s immune system. Frequent infections in dogs are usually due to weakened immune systems. An immune system that does not function optimally can be attributed to very different triggers, such as an imbalanced diet or a chronic illness in the animal. We will go into this in more detail in the following article.


Hundesenior - alter Hund
Nerve weakness in dogsDogs with nerve weakness can show a variety of different symptoms. These include, for example, a reduction in visual acuity, incontinence, coordination problems as well as abnormalities in the dog’s movement patterns. Paralysis, tremors, seizures, weakness and anxiety can also indicate reduced nerve function.

If you notice signs of reduced nerve function or even a nerve disorder (signal transmission) in your dog, quick action is required. Measures to strengthen and regenerate the nerves should be taken, as a delay can make it more difficult for the nerve cells to regenerate. Prevention is always best, of course. You can do a lot for the health of your dog’s nerves yourself. You can find all the important information in the following article.
