
hund-arthroseFirst the good news: If our four-legged friend is plagued by arthrosis, there are good therapies and feed additives that can alleviate the joint disease . Since the arthrosis pain affects the quality of life of the dog more or less clearly, one should also make use of it. In addition, the dog should be able to lead a pain-free life in advance and therefore you should ensure that this does not happen when the dog is young. The following article is about the prevention and treatment of joint diseases.


Dog behaviorDogs can exhibit behavior that is almost reminiscent of that of humans. Of course you can look at your master with heartwarming eyes so that they get something, that is of course the intention. But dogs can also behave like depressed people, appear depressed and hide. This is no longer funny, but rather worrying. (more…)

20 Nov 2018

dog-allergyWhat many don’t even know how to interpret, for millions of Germans contact with dogs (and animals in general) is not without danger: They get a skin rash, shortness of breath or even asthma. For example, when dogs shake themselves, hair, dander and saliva inevitably fly around. So that protein molecules that cause allergies in many people. (more…)

22 Oct 2018

dog-vacationA few thoughts on the subject of “holidays with dogs” and when they are not allowed to come along. Long-haul flights of up to 24 hours can probably not be expected of a dog. But as the owner, you can make smaller journeys with a clear conscience. If the four-legged friend stays at home, there are also some good care options. I have put together a few tips for you in a nutshell. (more…)


dog-foodA large proportion of carbohydrates can be found in ready-made feed. How good are they for the dog? You have to imagine that the dog is not a pure carnivore, but a prey eater. However, carbohydrates, mostly in the form of starch and sugar, are important suppliers of energy. The dog organism uses them to release energy. However, the dog cannot process large amounts with its digestion. The dog can react to too much starch, the most important form of energy in plants, with diarrhea. You can soften the strength by boiling. (more…)